Handicapped, disabled, and elderly people often struggle with everyday tasks that most people don’t think twice about. Opening a door, for instance, can be a real struggle, especially for someone with limited mobility.
Handicap door openers solve this problem by making the process of opening a door as easy as pushing a button. These automatic door openers for disabled can be installed on just about any door, in a home or in a business. Businesses and schools that wish to be handicapped-accessible often choose to install handicap door openers to improve their customers’ experiences. Because of the growing popularity of these devices, it is very easy to find a contractor to install door openers at an affordable cost.
How Handicap Door Openers Work
Automatic door openers can work on motion sensing, like in a grocery store, but this is not the most common type of door opener. Instead, most doors use a wall switch or a touch panel. This allows users to push a button to open doors; most handicapped individuals are still able to operate buttons. Wheelchair users can create automatic doors and place the remote on their chair. Indeed, installing an automatic door opener can greatly improve handicapped people’s lives if they use electric wheelchairs in the home. This is because the door openers increase mobility, both in the home and out. Rather than relying on other people to open doors, or precariously trying to open doors themselves, handicapped people can use door openers to navigate any room or business.
Home Door Knob Openers
Others may benefit from installing an automatic door opener in their home. The elderly tend to lose muscle mass as they age, so opening a heavy door could be a struggle for older individuals. Many older people also suffer from diseases like Parkinson’s, which damage fine motor skills and could make turning a door knob difficult. Because of this, senior living centers often install a touch panel at every door in the facility.
There are also simple to use door knob assist openers, door knob extenders and door handle grippers. It creates a handle on a door knob that can be pushed down to open. There is no more need to grip on a door knob and then twist.
Remote Controlled Door Openers
Some individuals take a longer time to open the doors and require the use of remote controls. Bed ridden people and those with impaired mobility use remote controlled doors without having to get up from a chair or bed. Someone with bad knees will find these automatic door openers very helpful too.
Buy Automatic Remote Controlled Door Openers – This door opener fits on swing doors that weigh up to 100lbs. Button operated automatic door for the handicapped. With a push of a button, the swing door opens automatically.
- Wireless Wall Mounted Push Button – Get this optional wall mounted push button device along with the automatic door opener so you do not have to carry the remote controller. Simply place this wireless device on a wall area where you can access and press the button.
Installing an automatic door opener does not have to be difficult. Many contracting services will supply to materials and install them. These contractors can modify existing doors or install automatic door openers in new buildings. Modifying existing doors may be more expensive than installing a new door in many cases, however.