Toilet Seat Lifts

For the elderly or disabled, it can be difficult to stand up from a toilet seat, even with the typical handicap seats meeting ADA requirements. Increasing independence is an important part of increasing the quality of life and using the proper seat lift will help with both. Rather than rushing to invite yet another caregiver into the home of your loved one, explore the other options available to make using the restroom both safer and more comfortable. Even if there is a caregiver present in the home already, having the right toilet seat lift will make their job easier and safer. Consider the benefits carefully before choosing the best toilet seat accessory on the market.

Benefits of Toilet Seat Lifts

The basic benefits of toilet seat lifts are allowing you to not have to sit down too low or strain to stand up. Your choice of a powered model or standard lift will depend on the level of help needed to ensure bathroom safety. Both models may be purchased with the variety of features considered here, so it is important to check the specifications for a model before making the purchase.


All seat lifts come with weight limits, though most are graded for between 250-500 pounds. Powered seat lifts remove all the effort from standing because the machine does all the work. If you strain a lot or unable to get up with just your legs, the power toilet seat lift might be the right choice. For those able to stand with assistance, an unpowered seat lift may be a better and cheaper option. Models may come with grab bars to help in maneuvering to and from the walker or wheel chair.


Both powered lifts and the standard toilet seat risers may be found in portable and even stand-alone units. Raised seats offer a distinct benefit when it comes to visiting friends and family. Though versatile, these units may not offer the sturdiness of an installed lift. However, installation is typically easy and will not require any special tools, but this is only a general rule. It is important to check the specifications and read customer reviews before choosing. Raised toilet seats like the ones seen on the left add 3 to 4 inches to the height of the toilet.


Privacy is a key component of human dignity and quality of life with studies showing that an increased quality of life can add years of enjoyment. The primary concern in purchasing a seat lift should be finding a model that maximizes independence for the person. Being able to stand up from a toilet seat is made easier with the right choice of equipment.